Wednesday, October 12, 2016

What Would You Do?

Click here to view this blog assignment on Mrs. Kallas's webpage.
Scenario 3:
     If I were stuck in this situation, and the substitute told me that he/she did not need my help, and told me that I could leave, I would first inform him or her that I have to stay at the field site for my full class time, and ride the bus back to campus. I would ask if there is anything that I need to assist with, such as grading papers or helping a student in need. If the substitute still wants me to leave because he or she has it "all under control", then I would go into the class next door and ask the teacher what I could help with. Based on experience from last year, there is always extra work to do in the classroom or in the hallway, and I know that even if my mentor teacher doesn't need help, I'm sure that a different teacher would appreciate the extra set of hands. It is not acceptable to start working on homework, because that is our time to assist our field site teachers and students, and our full attention needs to be focused on the classroom.

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