Tuesday, August 30, 2016

My Plan of Attack

The following blog assignment came from Mrs. Kallas's blog, which you can view here.

Now that school has started, it is time to start thinking of competitions to compete in this year. Last year, I competed in Ethical Dilemma with three of my classmates. We excelled at Region, and competed at the State competition. Though it was great, and I enjoyed doing it with my classmates, I am not going to do that competition this year. Since I have less time in class to work, I am thinking about competing in the Portfolio Contest, and the Scrapbook contest. 
Click here to view a list of all the TAFE competitions.
Click here to visit the Educators Rising website.
Click here to view the guidelines for the Chapter Scrapbook competition.
Click here to view the guidelines for the Portfolio Contest.

   The Portfolio Contest is individual, however the Chapter Scrapbook is a team project. Since we kept up with a portfolio in class last year, I already have mine done and almost ready to go for the TAFE event. I will need to add some extra things on it, but majority of it is complete. On the other hand, my two classmates, Emily Beam and Makaylia Mcdonald, and I are starting to work on Chapter Scrapbook, and more of our classmates will join us in the future. In order to be successful, we will need to use our time wisely in class in order to get the scrapbook done by the date of competition. We will need to work together in order to get the scrapbook to look flattering, and have all of our past events and activities in it. 

Steps to get started on Scrapbook:
1. Agree on a theme (Patriotic)
2. Design an outline/plan for the scrabook
3.Begin creating pages for previous events from last school year
4.Continue to add in pictures and activities from last year before Region

To achieve our goal and finish the scrapbook on time, we only have a couple of months to get it complete. Region Conference is in the first week of November, so we do not have a large amount of time to prepare for contest.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Welcome to the 2016-2017 School Year!

    Last Monday, August 22nd, brought the first day of our 2016-2017 school year. For me, it brought the first day of my last year of high school. 
I am so excited for this upcoming school year, and all of the opportunities it will bring. This year, I will be sure to make the best out of every opportunity and event, because it is my last year with many of my close friends and family. After this year, I will be on the road to college, and one step closer to having my own classroom! As my second year of being an Education and Training Intern, I am so excited for all of the adventures that this year will bring, so follow and join me as I make the most out of my Senior Year!